Donors and Partners

Reports and statistics

A brief overview of AHP's performance over the past few years
Total placements made since inception

Almost 2 500 placements made in total since our inception in 2005.

Country of origin of the foreign-qualified doctors recruited by AHP since inception

The majority of foreign recruits are sourced from the  UK and US as AHP has - teams based in these countries to market positions. . The UK-based team also recruits in Belgium, the Netherlands and Scandinavia. AHP also recruits across the rest of Europe, as well as in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Putting this into perspective

From all eight medical schools in South Africa cumulatively graduate approximately 1200 doctors annually.

  • But, over their career, half of these doctors will move to work overseas.
  • This leaves about 600 doctors in South Africa.
  • Three quarters of these doctors will work in the private sector.
  • Only 150 doctors will be left to work in the public sector within the country.
  • Of those remaining in public service, the vast majority will work in urban centres.
  • This leaves as few as 35 doctors from any single year of graduation to serve the rural areas of South Africa.
  • In 2009, AHP placed 7 times that number of foreign doctors in rural hospitals.